Kappas Lobby D.C. Council, Mayor Bowser on Key Issues

May 24, 2023

Washinton (DC) Alumni meets with D.C. Council Mayor Bowser

Over 50 members of the Washington DC Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., went to the John A. Wilson Building on May 18 to discuss issues with members of the  D.C. Council and Mayor Muriel Bowser as a part of its Second Annual Walter E. Fauntroy D.C. Legislative Day.

Fauntroy, a member of the fraternity, served as the District’s delegate to the U.S. Congress from 1971-1991.

Three Pilars to Uplift the Community

Gordon Fletcher, a Ward 5 advisory neighborhood commissioner, serves as the second vice polemarch of the chapter as well as its Political and Social Action committee chairman. Fletcher said the chapter had a definite purpose in mind visiting the city’s legislators and the mayor.

“We have three pillars,” Fletcher, 38, said. “Black excellence, maternal health and access particularly in neighborhoods east of the Anacostia River, and Black prosperity.”

Additionally, he said the chapter wants legislation for a tax abatement for its fraternity house in the DuPont Circle neighborhood in Northwest.

Fletcher said members of the Kappa League, a group of young men mainly high school-aged, also participated in the event.

Leading The Youth

“I was particularly pleased that the Kappa Leaguers were with us,” he said. “Many of them were moved by the event. One of them said that they see us as their protectors.”

Fletcher said fraternity members talked to Council members Christine Henderson (I-At Large), Kenyan McDuffie (I-At Large), Anita Bonds (D-At Large) and Chairman Phil Mendelson (D). Fletcher said Bowser spoke with the participants for 25 minutes.

Fletcher said while he was pleased that 50 members participated, he said next year the event will be bigger.

“My goal is to have 100 brothers to come for Kappa Day,” he said.

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